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Wed 7 May

0745 - 0845

ABN Committee Meetings (EDI, Education, Quality, Research, Services)

0900 - 0915

0915 - 1015

1A  Opening & Welcome: Richard Davenport, Edinburgh

1A  Plenary Session 1: Pathogenic Mechanisms in Neurological Disorders
Chairs: TBC
0915  Mitochondrial disease in adults: Recent advances and future promise: Yi Ng, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle
0945  Oligodendrocyte biology and MS: Denise Fitzgerald, Queen’s University, Belfast

1015 - 1100

1A  ABN Practical Neurology Lecture 2025: Karen Furie, Rhode Island Hospital, USA

1100 - 1145

2A  Coffee, Exhibition & Silent Symposium

1145 - 1255

Parallel Sessions

1A  Parallel Session 1

1B  Parallel Session 2

1255 - 1425

Lunch, Exhibition & Sponsored Symposia

1310 – 1410 
Sponsored Symposia sessions:

1B Roche (MS) 
1C UCB (Epilepsy)
3B AstraZeneca (Amyloid neuropathy) 

1425 - 1530

2A & Galleria  Poster Session 1

1530 - 1630

1A  Plenary Session 2: Expert Management of Common Neurological Disorders
Chairs: TBC
1530  The Parkinson’s follow-up: the drugs and beyond for the general neurologist: Chris Kobylecki, Salford Manchester
1600  The epilepsy follow-up: the drugs and beyond for the general neurologist: Gary Dennis, Sheffield

1630 - 1715

2A  Coffee, Exhibition & Silent Symposium

1715 - 1800

1A  ABN Medallist Lecture 2025: Jaqueline Palace, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
Citation: Isabel Maria Leite

1800 - 1900

2A  Welcome Reception

Thursday 8 May

0700 - 0740

0745 - 0845

Yoga Session / Waterfront Walk

Special Interest Group Sessions: TBI | Peripheral Nerve | Neuro infection | Epilepsy

0900 - 1000

1A  Plenary Session 3: Advice, Management and Referral
Chairs: TBC
0900  Managing sleep disorders: Guy Leschziner, Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital, London
0930  Cervical myelopathy: Adrian Casey, UCLH, London

1000 - 1045

2A  Coffee, Exhibition & Silent Symposium

1045 - 1130

1A  ABN Gordon Holmes Lecture 2025 – Sponsored by Guarantors of Brain:
A Journey to the Centre of the Chaism. Christian Lueck, Australian National University Canberra, Australia
Citation: Chris Kennard 

1130 - 1230

1A  Plenary Session 4: Navigating Neurological Differences
Chairs: TBC
1130  Dizziness, balance and PPD: Diego Kaski, UCLH, London
1200  Understanding autism: Francesa Happé, King’s College, London

1230 - 1400

Lunch, Exhibition & Sponsored Symposia

1245 – 1345  

Sponsored Symposia sessions:

1C Angelini Pharma (Epilepsy) 
3A Argenx (Myasthenia Gravis)
3B AbbVie (Migraine) 

1400 - 1510

1A  Plenary Session 5: Appraising New Therapies
Chairs: TBC
1400  The power of placebo in headache trials: Elizabeth Loder, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
1440  Using new treatments for Alzheimer’s: Paresh Malhotra, Imperial College, London

1510 - 1610

2A & Galleria  Poster Session 2

1610 - 1650

2A  Coffee, Exhibition & Silent Symposium

1650 - 1800

Parallel Sessions

1A  Parallel Session 3

1C  Parallel Session 4


Titanic Hotel Gala Dinner

Friday 9 May

0700 - 0740

0750 - 0850

Yoga / 5k Fun Run / Waterfront Walk

Special Interest Group Sessions: Autonomic | FND | Neuro-oncology | Cognitive

0900 - 0945


0945 - 1030

1A  President’s Lecture: Neil Robertson, Cardiff

1030 - 1115

2A  Coffee, Exhibition & Silent Symposium

1115 - 1215

1A  Case Presentation Competition

1215 - 1300

Roswell Martin, Gloucester Royal Hospital, Gloucestershire

1300 - 1430

Lunch, Exhibition & Sponsored Symposia

1315 – 1415  
Sponsored Symposia sessions:

1C Teva (Tardive dyskinesia) 
3A Merck (MS)
3B Pfizer (Migraine) 

1430 - 1540

Parallel Sessions

1A  Parallel Session 5

1C  Parallel Session 6

1540 - 1615

2A  Coffee, Exhibition & Silent Symposium

1615 - 1715

1A  Plenary 6: Video Session
Chairs: TBC
1615  Movement Disorders: Mark Edwards, UCLH, London
1645  Dystonia/ jerks/tics/ataxia: Tom Warner, UCLH, London

1715 - 1730

1A  Prize announcement & Close: Neil Robertson, ABN President