ABN Code of Conduct
This is relevant to all staff and members of the ABN; non-members of the ABN attending ABN events and committees are expected to abide by this code of conduct.
The ABN expects everyone to treat others with respect and dignity to allow a supportive and safe environment for all, including when engaged in ABN business or taking part in ABN activities. This code refers to all forms of communication and interaction, whether face to face, virtual, verbal, written, and including social media.
Within the ABN, we believe that:
• No one should be subjected to bullying, harassment, discrimination or victimisation*
• All ABN members and employees should understand our expectations of their behaviour
• Everyone should feel able to report allegations, suspicions or concerns about such behaviours
• Anyone within the ABN who experiences, witnesses, and reports such behaviours will receive appropriate support.
*Discrimination and victimisation are defined and explained under the Equality Act 2010
To achieve the above, the ABN expects everyone to:
• Treat others with respect and consideration
• Recognise and value diversity and individual differences
• Behave with integrity, honesty, kindness and patience
• Promote a fair culture based on trust
• Respect boundaries and accept that they are different for everyone
• Ensure the expression of personal beliefs is tactful and professional, and does not compromise the right of other individuals to feel safe and respected
• Keep physical contact safe and socially appropriate.
Other references
Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organizations https://www.acevo.org.uk/about/code-of-conduct/
The General Medical Council https://www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance/ethical-guidance-for-doctors/good-medical-practice
The Royal College of Physicians https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/code-conduct